Blog | Create an NFT with, Ethereum, MintGate, and Metamask (without breaking the bank)

Erikka Innes
7 min readOct 12, 2021

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are super popular these days. You’ve no doubt heard that people sell NFTs for their art, be it music, painting, writing, drawings, videos and more. Some artists use NFTs to sell special tickets to their concerts and sometimes video games even sell in-game items using NFTs. But what, you might ask, are they selling that requires the NFT? Well, non-fungible means unique token, and the idea is that it’s something that can’t be copied. So an NFT is like a digital certificate that shows that you own a particular asset or piece of digital art.

So if it’s not something that can be copied, how come there’s copies of files sold as part of NFTs? The idea is that when you buy the NFT you get the original work, or you get one of a limited batch that are certified by using an NFT. If it’s something widely available — like an internet meme, then the NFT is there to show ownership even if there are copies of that file available online elsewhere. Sometimes the NFT includes special rights, like only you can use the asset as part of an avatar. For example if you bought a digital drawing as an NFT, it might be that only you can set it as your profile picture, or something similar. Also, because the NFT is a unique token that is part of the blockchain for a cryptocurrency…



Erikka Innes

Developer Advocate, Writer, Comedian, and Commander of the Nerd Legion