InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesEverything is Possible: Bulletproof Skin from Spider Goats and Spider SilkwormsThere are a lot of bulletproof super heroes — Thor, Luke Cage, Superman, Shazam, and countless others. While there’s no current way for…Feb 29, 2024Feb 29, 2024
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesEverything is Possible: The Perpetual Motion Engine in SnowpiercerOf the many fascinating topics you can discuss when it comes to the movie Snowpiercer, one of the most widely mentioned subjects is the…Feb 22, 2024Feb 22, 2024
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesEverything is Possible: Real Life VibraniumA lot of people were first introduced to vibranium when they started watching the Black Panther movies. This miracle metal has a number of…Feb 15, 2024Feb 15, 2024
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesIs a Real Lightsaber Possible?(And if not, how close can we get to one?)Oct 11, 20201Oct 11, 20201
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesSmell-o-vision — Is it Possible?For anyone who’s watched the cult classic ‘Harold and Maude,’ you’ll likely remember the scene where Maude shows Harold her odorific…Oct 19, 2020Oct 19, 2020
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesLeeloo’s Instant Makeup Applicator — When Do You Get One?The movie The Fifth Element is a beautiful, outrageously colorful world full of incredible sci-fi gadgets. There’s flying cars, the device…May 26, 2023May 26, 2023
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesCan You Have Eyes Like Superman?Dec 22, 20201Dec 22, 20201
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesSmell-o-Vision is Real!Semi-recently, I wrote an article about Smell-o-vision in books and movies. And the end result of that article was I was contacted by two…Apr 4, 20211Apr 4, 20211
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka Innes(Thor’s) Hammer Time: Real World Versions of Mjolnir(Which we probably are not worthy of)Apr 11, 2021Apr 11, 2021
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesAre Vampires Real? Or Was it All A Big Misunderstanding?Greetings Nerd Legion! Welcome back to Everything is Possible. Where we take something from your favorite stories and find out how feasible…Apr 28, 2021Apr 28, 2021
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesBack to the Future: Hoverboards are Real!Greetings Nerd Legion! Welcome back to Everything is Possible. Where we take something from your favorite stories and find out how feasible…Jul 21, 2021Jul 21, 2021
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesCreating Cloaking Devices Like the Ones in Harry Potter and PredatorGreetings Nerd Legion! Welcome back to Everything is Possible. Where we take something from your favorite stories and find out how feasible…Apr 1, 2023Apr 1, 2023
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesEverything is Possible: Can You Have Claws and a Reinforced Skeleton Like Wolverine?Greetings Nerd Legion! Welcome back to Everything is Possible. Where we take something from your favorite stories and find out how feasible…Apr 5, 20231Apr 5, 20231
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesEverything is Possible: Face/Off — Can You Transplant a Face?Flash back: It’s 1997 and a B-movie premise has made it to the A-list screen. John Travolta is going to swap faces with Nicolas Cage for a…Apr 10, 2023Apr 10, 2023
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesEverything is Possible: A Brief History of the ChakramYou might have seen the chakram in the popular TV show Xena: Warrior Princess, the card game Magic: The Gathering, or as a weapon in the…Dec 5, 2023Dec 5, 2023
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesEverything is Possible: Barbarella and the OrgasmatronSci-fi is rife with mad scientists creating devices for sexual pleasure. Most have a dark component, but come off campy and ridiculous…Dec 6, 2023Dec 6, 2023
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesEverything is Possible: Humans Had Robots Since Ancient EgyptThe term robot was first coined in 1920 in a Czech play called ‘Rossumovi Univerzální Roboti’ (Rossum’s Universal Robots) by Karel Čapek…Dec 7, 2023Dec 7, 2023
InFrom the Desk of the Nerd LegionbyErikka InnesEverything is Possible: Real Live WerewolvesThe concept of a werewolf or lycanthrope is a human that can shape-shift into a wolf or half wolf/half human beast. Typically in older…Jan 8, 20243Jan 8, 20243